Saturday, February 25, 2012

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are a way of informing others of specific ideas. These "ideas" could be bias or rumors. I believe propaganda tend to be more political is nature but sometimes it's used to spread ideas to others. These ideas are meant to help or hurt others. In this case, this propaganda map shows wildlife and game in 1956 in the United States. It features several different types of ducks, birds, animal predators, etc. I believe this map is informing others of wildlife across the United States. I don't believe it's intended to be hurtful.

Hypsometric Map

Hypsometric maps are defined as map that show elevation with contour lines through the use of color and shading. This map is of Southern France which features the Pyrenees. The red lines indicate borders of France and Spain.


PLSS or Public Land Survey System maps are used to survey land in the United States. It was a way of identifying land before it would be sold. The map above features The United States and the states that were  seperated into sections of land within each state highlighted in different colors. It also features principle meridians and baselines within each state. According to Rachel Quist, "Originally established in 1785 by the Land Ordinance, after the revolutionary war, and further refined in 1851 by the General Land Office (now, the Bureau of Land Management), the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is still the primary legal definition of most property in the United States.  The PLSS is used in each stateexcept for the original thirteen states and a few states in the southwest that were originally surveyed based on Spanish land grant boundaries (notably Texas)and is based on a surveyed prime meridian that runs north south and a baseline that runs east west.  There are 37 principal meridians and each is associated with a baseline."

Cadastral Map

According to Wikipedia, "cadastral map is a map that shows the boundaries and ownership of land parcels. Some cadastral maps show additional details, such as survey district names, unique identifying numbers for parcels, certificate of title numbers, positions of existing structures, section or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references to prior maps." From the definition, Cadastral maps are simply maps that show areas of private land and the boundaries of those properties. In this cadastral map, it features territory the Republic of Austria under Franz I. Other cadastral maps are featured which include more territory. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Choropleth Map

Choropleth maps show statistical data using shades or color or patterns. Most data is usually in the form of percentages like percentages of a population or percentages of race in a given area. This map features 7 intervals, which represents percentages of individuals living in poverty. Lower percentages are indicated with shades of purple and larger percentages are indicated with shades of red and orange. According to the map, the majority of individuals living in poverty are spread throughout Texas, New Mexico, and Utah.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Thematic Map

A thematic map is a map of a specific area that has a particular theme associated with it. Thematic maps can be social, political, or physical. There can be other types of thematic maps as well. The map above is a physical thematic map of the forrestry in the Northeast of the United States. The map indicates different types of trees found with this area of the United States. For example, most of the area is covered in different types of Oaks.

Planimetric Map

A Planimetric map is a map similar to a topographical map but instead of including both verical and horzontal features it included only horizonal features. Terrian and elevation are not included. In the map above, a community which will be known as "New City" is laid out. From the map, streets, parks, roads, as well as neighborhoods are all laid out. The terrian and elevation of the area is not included. A topographical map is included on the website to show more detail of the area.

Mental Map

A mental map is a person's point of view about a specific subject. The map could be an individual's thoughts, a memory of a particular place, or a layout of directions, which can be laid out in a visual picture. I believe these types of maps are created to get across an idea or subject to another individual or a way to visualize an individual's thoughts. In the map above, a 6th grader visually drew out the streets surround the school he attends.