Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Standardized Choropleth Maps


Standardized choropleth are maps that show several types of data within one graph. They show values indicated by a specific color of shades of the same color. They also show standardized data. The standardized data shown on the graph above are the Regional Health Units (Counties of Southern Ontario) which are indicated by specific numbers. The graph shows the potential years in life lost to prostate cancer within each county.

Correlation Matrix


According to thefreedictionary.com Correlation Matrices are "a rectangular array of quantities or expressions set out by rows and columns; treated as a single element and manipulated according to rules." From the definition, a Correlation Matrix is simply a graph that shows a relationship between two or more variables. It's very similar to a Similarity matrix except it compares more than two variables. The graph above shows the success of graduate students by comparing their intellectual ability, spatial ability, and work ethic.

Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/correlation+matrix

Similarity Matrix


Similarity Matrices are charts that show a correlation between two variables. The chart above shows the relationship between weight and height which is an indicator for BMI or body mass index.

Stem & Leaf Plot


Stem and leaf plots are graphs that summarize distribution of data within a graph. They're very similar to histograms with the exception that stem and leaf plots contain more data and explains the data. These graphs are used when a lot of numerical data is used. The graph above is example of how a stem and leaf plot is shown. This graph doesn't incorporate any specific data from research but simply shows what a stem and leaf plot should look like.

Box Plot


Box plot is a visual summarization of data using the "five number summery." The five number summary includes; minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and maximum. These graphs also indicate outliers with the data. The graph above show a relationship between 4 machines and their energy output. Machine number 3 has the highest energy output as opposed to machine number with the least.

Thursday, March 29, 2012



Histograms are graphs or charts that show data in a visual presentation. A histogram incorporates the use of vertical bars to show a comparison between two variables. In the chart above, it shows a comparison between cool and warm temperatures.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Parallel Coordinate Graph


Parallel Coordinate Graph are graphs that are used to show analyzed statistical variables in one graph. The graph above show a relationsgip between all cells and nine selected genes within the body. The graph is in 3D and shows the different genes and its location within the embryo. As one can see, certain genes are located in different areas in the embryo.